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TR Action London Group Report for issue 304

TR Action London Group Report for issue 304

Well, what did the bleak mid-winter bring for London Group? when all the sensible TR owners of the Register have their babies all tucked up and warm in their winter storage garages, 2 Group meetings, 2 Drive outs and a winter health check – quite a busy month really. Our first event the Brooklands Museum New Year's Day event is now firmly on our calendar. A bleak cold windy morning saw 11 Cars arrive at Brooklands from TR London Group, the flag went up, we chatted, drank Tea or Coffee, ate a bacon buttie walked round the newly opened hanger, said hello to Steve Gray up on the hill and generally put on a good show. Special mention must be made of Paul Reynolds who OK didn't travel from his home town of Moscow (Russia!!!) that morning, but hey, still a pretty impressive journey. The first Thursday of January saw yet another annual tradition, we now always visit the Weir Hotel at the Waterside Walton-on-Thames. This is the location of the first Group meetings after the formation of the TR Register back in 1970. It was good to see David Arthur swell our ranks on what really was a terrible cold wet & windy night. The following Sunday saw a select group meet up and then consume a wonderful breakfast then, almost reluctantly head off to Bicester for their winter scramble, although no rain fell the wind across the airfield was really cold!!!

Later in the month we had our TR London Group Winter Health check. This is the second year that we have run this with Crown Classics in Twickenham and we are beginning to get the hang of it, with 13 cars going up on the ramps for inspection, 48 rashers of bacon along with 48 sausages being cooked being then placed within 48 large floury buns, 3 heaters going full blast plus as much Tea, coffee and soft drinks as you could consume meant that despite that cold North wind with squally showers and darkening sky, we all had a great time with smiles on our faces and banter all around. A highlight was how many people can you get under a TR3A (see picture) which led into the presentation to Chris Orson of a framed print of the TRaction issue 302 cover. This featured his yellow TR6 in front of the Cutty Sark at Christmas.

Our final event of January was our second group meeting of the month, at our new home the Star at Malden Rushett. It was great to welcome Ron Thorne for the first time who brought along his album of the rebuild of his white TR3A. This is now nearing completion, so the anticipation displayed was palpable, also John Collins joined for the first time at a Group meeting. His first event with us being the Winter health check. I think he was relieved to report that his newly acquired Red TR3A was given a clean bill of health, in fact it did quite well.

So finally, then come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at different locations (more often than not the Rose of York in Richmond) but, please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site - both Club nights now start from about 8:30pm

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times