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TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 271

TR Action Report London Group  presented for issue 271

What's to report? Well October saw our annual Conkers competition. This year it took two attempts. The first heralded the first all day rain storm of the Autumn season and although a good number of stalwarts (with the roofs firmly up) were up for driving and a good noggin in the pub, the prospect of standing in a muddy field wielding conkers at each other with stair rods falling from the sky simply did not appeal. So although an interesting drive was had and a good meal eaten, no conkers! This leads us nicely onto later in the month, our Autumn Leaves Run to Waddesdon Manor, this time with the addition of Mark & Sarah in Stella the Stag. Again the going although very beautiful, was damp, very damp the prospect of crossing a ford on our route, which I will be honest was causing both myself and those with Walkie Talkies some concern as they had spotted it on the route notes and as we were having to detour around ENOURMOUS puddles a ford really did look not like a good idea. As it happened however it turned out to be the most controlled bit of water of the whole day, but the banter was great fun. After a very pleasant lunch we arrived at the Manor at just about the same time as a big, black, rain laden cloud decided to empty itself. Luckily Erica remembered that Waddesdon Manor house has an Aviary. So after a quick dash, with umbrellas swaying, we were under cover and still outside so the conkers could finally commence. It was quite cold and after a few rounds Roger Hogarth was crowned King of Conkers for the third year running! He really is very good at conkers!

Our annual Fireworks Party was our next event John & Erica Millwood welcomed us into their home and garden and put on a Fantastic Spread with hot food from the start on a cold but thankfully dry November evening. I want to take this opportunity to thank them both for their hospitality, they really made the evening for us all.

And so to the fireworks themselves. All of our fireworks are announced, this year by megaphone, so we know whose firework is whose and of course this leads to a certain level of competition as to who has the most bangs, whistles and sparkles et cetera. The expression justly smug is often heard, however, this year we were all trounced with the canon like firework which Chris Gleeson arrived with, by far the largest firework ever to be presented at a London group event. So, with heightened anticipation, Mark & Bob, our two resident pyromaniacs announced Chris's Firework. This was the last firework of the display, the canon was finally lit. There was a hushed tone. The following explosion of gas and smoke that bellowed from that thing resulted in the viewing area and kitchen filling with smoke, people gasping for breath, windows slamming, claims of blindness, hacking coughs and demands to know where he bought this thing! Only a very few us actually saw any sparks through the gloom. It really was a brilliant end to a brilliant display.

So on to December as I put pen to paper final preparations for our Christmas party are being made, Raffle prizes acquired, Christmas cards printed, Calendars produced, Menu selections made, Hotel rooms booked et cetera this year the dress code is Panto! But if none of these float your boat and you just fancy a natter over a beer you are most welcome.

You can join us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep an eye on the web site) - both kick off at around 9.00pm.

London Group

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