Click here for the Inter-club International Weekend Tickets

Merry Christmas from TR Lincs

Merry Christmas from TR Lincs

It has been a rubbish year for TR Lincs and with the prospect of a better time in 2021 all that remains for me to do is wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I do hope we can all resume our normal activities as soon as it is safe to do so. Please keep an eye out for further notes from me and of course take a regular peep at our events page on the TR Register website for the most up to date position.

Take care, stay safe and see you all next year!
all the best

Adrian Lawton - Group Leader

I have pleasure in welcoming yet another two new members to the TR Lincs fold this month. Chris Sheldon, who hails from Newball near Langworth has joined. He is a young man of 27 and has just acquired a Mimosa Yellow TR6. A definite candidate for the Youth Group! Another big welcome to David Scarborough who lives at Skellingthopre just south of Lincoln. David has also just treated himself to a very nice 1968 TR5 in white. I do hope we can see you both out and about with the group next year.

Next Year

Just a reminder for you to look out for the 2021 events early next month and of course if you have any ideas for runs then you know what to do, just let me know.

There is still space available on the TR Lincs Tour of Northumberland in June next year. Full details can be found by clicking HERE. Watch out as well for the announcement of ticket sales for the Triumph Weekend to be held at Malvern in August. The tickets should be on sale February 1st.

Ever wanted to know more about classic car insurance and the options you have then why not join the "TR Lincs Zoom" session given by Peter Barrett from TR Register Insurance on Thursday 14th January commencing 7.30pm. Put the date in your diary, more details nearer the time.

Finally a Little Christmas Present From Me - when life was simpler maybe??

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times