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TR Lincs December 2020 Social Scene

TR Lincs December 2020 Social Scene

Hope On The Horizon

Well, it has been a while since I had much to write about as quite honestly there was nothing really to say. Everything we had planned for 2020 was either cancelled outright of so severely constrained with the Covid-19 regulations it was worth running the event.
We have all been in the same boat of course, with only the odd “run out” in the TR to the shops, or an extended solo run into the countryside to blow the cobwebs off. Alternatively, of course you may well have been using the downtime to finally finish off those little jobs you had always been planning to do, or taken the bull by the horns and decided on a complete restoration!!

For my part I have successfully put of all those jobs that I had planned to do off for another day – you have to have a target to go at.

As this year draws to a close and thoughts turn to a vaccine enabled release of our chains it does give some cause for hope. I am busy preparing the 2021 events calendar for TR Lincs and I hope that we will be able to enjoy each other’s company once again and give our much-loved cars a decent airing in 2021.

I have detailed below some of the key events that are already in the calendar and I’ll be issuing our own TR Lincs version soon.

In the meantime keep yourselves safe and well and I’ll see you all behind me in the queue for the vaccine!

all the best

Adrian Lawton - Group Leader

TR Register AGM

This year the TR Register Annual General Meeting was a first for the club. The entire meeting was held virtually with all those that wished to join in able to view and vote on resolutions from the comfort of their own home. There were around 120 members logged into the event, which is interesting given the size of the membership and it did give some thoughts as to why this number, as a proportion of the membership, was so low. Those of you that read the posts on the TR Register Forum will have seen a number of theories put forward as to why this may have been the case. The upshot I guess is that many members treat the TR Register membership much like you may treat your TR. There are those that like to know what goes on under the bonnet and how it all works and there are those that simply say if it works don't fiddle with it! The move to an on-line event did herald perhaps too much of a new way of doing things for some. The upside though was the participation from North America for the first time. The next AGM may well become a hybrid event with "real life" attendance alongside virtual attendance, we shall see. Key items from the meeting included:-

New East Midlands Directo

Andy Holyoak - the Group Leader of Leicestershire Group has taken over the role of East Midlands Area Director from Dave Burgess. Andy has been GL at Leicester no less than 4 times. Many of you will know Andy and the wealth of experience he has in all things TR. He provides a valuation service, is a concours judge, has rebuilt 5 TR's over the years and even organises the Bring & Buy sales at the International weekend. Dave Burgess will still be actively involved in all things TR and will continue as Vice Chair and we pass on our thanks to him for the support and guidance he has given to the East Midlands Area over the last few years. We look forward to welcoming Andy to TR LIncs when the current regulations allow.

Interesting Facts and Figure from the AGM

The table above gives a breakdown of the age profile of the current TR Register membership. The obvious thing that comes out of it is that over 72% are over 60! There are loads of reasons why that might be the case but it is clear that we need to attract the younger element in to the club to ensure its future. The Youth Group under the leadership of Charlie Crawshaw are making great efforts in attracting the younger enthusiasts with the Tyre Fest event, but what could we do? If you have any thoughts of how we can extend the appeal of belonging to the TR Register then let me know and we can add it to the future planning of the club.

Thanks to all those in front and behind the scenes for organising and delivering the AGM. Those of you that joined in I'm sure would also add your thanks

TR Lincs 2021 Tour

Our tour to Northumberland had to be cancelled this June due to the Covid-19 restrictions which was a great disappointment. The good news is though that we will be running it again in June 2021. The dates are June 6th to the 11th (5 nights) for the all inclusive price of £750 at the Slaley Hall Hotel, Hexham.
Full details of the tour and a booking form can be found by clicking on the link below. Already 9 cars (18 people) have booked on that were booked on last time and there is still space for you to join us.

Click HERE for more details and a booking form.

Classic and Sports Car Magazine Award

You will remember the campaign earlier in the year to raise funds for the NHS charities by creating the Triumph over Covid-19 rally plaques. Well I'm pleased to say that our efforts have been recognised by the campaign winning the C&SC Best Contribution To Charity award for 2020 announced on the 1st December. A big thank you to all that purchased a plaque and you can see how much we raised by watching this VIDEO and maybe spot yourself!

I have pleasure in welcoming yet another new members to the TR Lincs fold this month. Trevor Sherwood who has moved to Scamblesby near Louth joins us from Camb Followers. Trevor has been a long standing member of the TR Register serving 24 years on the Card Followers committee and lately as joint group leader. He brings with him his TR4 and a Triumph Gloria! We wish him a warm welcome and hope to see him out and about soon.

2020 Event Updates

TR Lincs Monthly Meetings
Regretfully I can't see us being to meet together for the remainder of this year. We would normally have held our Christmas meeting on the 19th December. At the meeting I know many of you take the opportunity to exchange Christmas cards etc. This year you will have to resort to putting a stamp on it or simply just send your good wishes by email or text.

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times