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TR Lincs February 2020 Bulletin

TR Lincs February 2020 Bulletin

Greetings TR Lincs

Just a quick note to keep you up to speed on where we are with the 2020 season and the events that are planned to help you enjoy your TR this year. I have highlighted a few events happening soon as well as a couple a little further away that you may wish to participate in.

I do need more volunteers to organise our local runs normally held on a Sunday. You now the format by now and I'm sure that you all have your own runs planned in your heads and haven't got around to committing to them yet. Well now is the time, to be honest we are short of runs this year. I have a couple in the bag but there are plenty of gaps that need filling. Please consider organising a run and let me know if you're interested and I'll give you an idea of where the gaps are. Please make the effort as our own local runs are what we are all about - consider yourself told!!!

We are NOT holding a group meeting in February as we have the annual dinner at Washingborough Hall on the 22nd of February.

So our next group meeting will be the AGM to be held on the 15th of March at the Town Hall, Wragby commencing 11.30pm. As we did last year the meeting will be followed with the option of lunch at the Ivy on the Market Place. You will receive more details nearer the time including nomination requests for Group Leader, Secretary, Treasurer and Competition Secretary as all roles are up for election.

Remember there is no group meeting this month (February).

Finally a warm welcome to those Lincolnshire members who have joined us from Camb Followers. I do hope we will see you out and about with us soon.

TR Lincs and Leicester TR Group

Ten TR Lincs members were instructed by MI6 to attend a secret mission at the Normanton Hall Hotel, Rutland Water to receive orders from "M", who now belongs to the Leicestershire Group of the TR Register, for the next 007 mission.
What followed was a great night organised by our friends at Leicester who extended wonderful hospitality to us and in particular from Andy Holyoak (GL) and Gaylene Sanders who organised the whole event.

One of the outcomes of this gathering was the desire amongst both Leicestershire and Lincolnshire Groups to "join forces" on some events during this year. Keep an eye out for more information on some forthcoming joint events.


22nd February, TR Lincs Annual Dinner, Washingborough Hall
Details already given earlier and available HERE.

15th March, TR Lincs Annual General Meeting, Wragby Town Hall
Further details to be issued in due course.

18-19th April, Swinging Sixties Race Meet, Cadwell Park
Once again our intrepid racer, David McDonald will be competing in this race series this year and we have the pleasure of being able to support him at our local track. A classic race meet is great fun and it's nice to see our cars used in the way perhaps they were designed to be used. More details nearer the time but for now pop the date in the diary.

26th April, Lincolnshire County Wheels Day, Revesby Estate, Lincolnshire
Now in its 6th year Lincolnshire's version of drive it day will take place on the Revesby Estate show ground site near East Kirby. Once again our own Malcolm Brown with some other TR Lincs volunteers are busy finalising the arrangements. Full details of the event are available HERE and if you are intending to go along can you please let me know by clicking on this FORM and I will collate numbers for Malcolm. Entry fees will be collected later.

10th May, Tour of Lincs 100
Many of you will be familiar with this well organised run in aid of charity where 100 cars do 100 miles in Lincolnshire. This year the event will start at the Belton Garden Centre, Grantham. Booking form is available by clicking on this link. TOUR_OF_LINCS_100_ENTRY_FORM.pdf

14th June, East Elloe and Spalding Classic Car run.
Another well organised open charity run starting this year from Pennell's Garden Centre, Lincoln and finishing up at the International Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln. Full details and an entry form are available by clicking HERE.

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times