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TR Lincs October 2019 Newsletter

TR Lincs October 2019 Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the Halloween 2019 edition of the TR Lincs Newsletter. As the clocks go back and the prospect of no TR'ing for the next few months sinks in, at least you can focus on the jobs you wanted to do this season and never got around to doing and add to them to the list of jobs from last year.

There is some important information in this newsletter so please take the time to read it and where you need to respond then please make sure that you do.

In this issue find out about:-

  • Monthly Group Meetings – major change in format at timings
  • Review of the last TR Lincs runs
  • Results of the membership car ownership survey
  • TR Lincs Tour 2020 survey
  • Up and coming events
  • … and finally

Enjoy and see you all soon

Adrian Lawton - Group Leader

Monthly Group Meeting Changes

As you are all aware, we have been unlucky over the last 18 months or so in losing the venues that we used for our monthly group meetings on a Monday night. For a variety of reasons finding suitable replacements that meet the needs of the majority of the membership has proven difficult. During the summer months we all agreed that we would move our Monday meetings around the county to try and enable those that perhaps didn’t want to travel too far to attend at least one or two meetings. This has proved to be a good call with the attendance at these “travelling” meetings reinforcing that. Throughout the winter months with the poor weather and dark nights we hoped to centre on a single location, that again has failed. So, following a discussion and a consensus at the October group meeting we decided to move the monthly meeting from a Monday night to a Saturday lunchtime with the option for those that wish to stay on to enjoy a luncheon. These meetings will again move around the county in an effort to enable as many as possible to attend. Now I know that the choice of a Saturday may not suit all but the availability of locations and lunch space on a Sunday, the other suggested day, is a lot easier as the Sunday Lunch market has now become big business for many places and getting space for 25 to 30 people is difficult. We will see how this goes for November, December and January. We have our annual dinner in February (more details later) and the AGM in March. From April, after clock change, we will return to our Monday night meets as the weather should have improved and of course lighter evenings. Our first Saturday meeting then will be on the 23rd November at the Carre Arms, Sleaford commencing at 12pm with the option for those that wish to stay for lunch from 1.30pm (sample menu Menu-October-2019.png). I hope that you agree with what we’ve tried to do to keep us meeting together but if you have alternative views then please drop me an email.

Review of TR Lincs Sunday Runs

TR Lincs Autumn Run – 13th October

Dave and Jane McDonald once again provided us with an excellently worked out run through the north west corner of Lincolnshire in what must have been one of the wettest days we have ever driven on. At times you wished that Triumph had developed their own version of the Amphicar! The run started after a coffee at Uncle Henry’s farm shop near Kirton in Lindsey and took as along Lincoln Edge working our way eventually up to Hall Farm Hotel and Restaurant, Ashby cum Fenby. Here we had the chance to dry out and enjoy an excellent lunch served in great surroundings. Of course, David and Jane had the last laugh as we were “tested” by having to complete a word search containing the names of all the villages we had passed through during the day. The winners were Ann and Roger Clay who completed it at lightning speed – I was still finishing it off at home!

Sleaford Rotary Club Autumn Leaves Run – 20th October

We had six TR Lincs cars out on this the second running of the Sleaford Rotary Club’s Autumn run in aid of charity. In stark contrast to the previous Sunday the weather was fair and allowed for some “top down” motoring. Close to 100 cars took part with a mix of ancient and modern taking part in a 2-hour run. We started at the site of the Cranwell Aviation Museum, just off the A17 at Cranwell with Coffee and the customary Bacon Cob. The finish was at the ex RAF Metheringham Visitors Centre where we were served a “one pot” lunch which, I have to say, tasted a lot better than it sounded. This event, especially as it was dry, was a nice swansong to the 2019 season.

Car Ownership Survey

The results of the survey were a little disappointing with only 21 responses out of a potential 87! Never-the-less the results were interesting if not entirely predictable. By far the most common car is the TR6 with over 60% of those who responded owning one. The least common being everything else with the exception of the TR4a. The survey also threw up some interesting “other” cars out there including a Citroen Light 15, a Morris Minor, Spitfire, Stag, VW Camper and Porsche 911 plus a smattering of classic bikes. The oldest car surveyed was a 1959 TR3 and the newest a 1980 TR7.

TR Lincs 2020 Tour – Survey

The time has come to decide where TR Lincs may like to go on tour in 2020 and when? This year saw us tour the county of Suffolk but where next? I have prepared a short survey which you can access by clicking HERE to get your feedback. There are already a few suggestions but there is always room for more. Please take the time to complete the short survey, even if you don’t wish to take part, as it does help gauge the appetite for such an event. It is anonymous so don’t be shy.

Up and Coming Events

A few future events that you may well be interested in joining in.

TR Lincs Annual Dinner – February 22nd, 2020

The Annual Dinner for 2020 will once again be held at the wonderful Washingborough Hall, near Lincoln. Those of you that attended the 2019 event will know how special a place this is and how wonderful the food was.

Costs are £35 per person for a 3 course dinner followed by tea/coffee and homemade fudge. For those who would wish to stay over then I have secured a number of rooms for our use. If you would like to book a room then please contact Washingborough Hall direct (01522 790340) and quote the TR Lincs event to secure your reservation.

Our menu selection for the evening will be available for pre-selection nearer the time.

If you would like to attend the dinner, then please contact me via where I will send you further details and how to pay your £10 deposit per person.

This year was a great success, let's make 2020's even better especially as it's the 50th anniversary year of the TR Register

TR Register Track Day

I have been contacted by David James from North Humberside Motor Club Ltd advising that they are running a track half day on the morning of Saturday 16th November 2019 at Cadwell Park asking if any of our members are interested in taking part.

Cost details £70.00 for 1st driver and £20.00 for 2nd driver with passengers at £10.00. If it is of interest to you then please contact David directly via or 01262 606420.

TR Register Leicester Group – James Bond Night, 18th January 2020.

We have been extended an invitation to join the Leicester Group on their James Bond themed night at the Grade II listed Normanton Park Hotel on the shores of Rutland Water with beautiful views of the lake and the iconic Normanton Church.

The costs with overnight accommodation are:-

Dinner (3 course), Bed & Breakfast, Double £135 per night, Single £95 per night

Please book directly with the hotel Ph: 01780 720315

There is a limit of 30 rooms (20 doubles/10 twins) so please book early to avoid disappointment. Full payment will be required to the hotel by 7th December. Once you have booked, please email to let them know so that they can send menu choices and more detailed information regarding what is planned for the evening, directly to you.

Those wishing to attend the meal but not stay over, please let them know via email to .

There is direct access from the hotel to the walking path around Rutland Water for those who are feeling energetic or maybe you would prefer to check in early (anytime from 2pm) and enjoy an afternoon tea (available from 3pm) in the conservatory overlooking the water.

They would love us to join them - this event promises to be filled with the usual hi-jinks and lots of catching up with car club friends far and wide.

TR Register 50th Birthday East Region Gathering, 22nd August, 2020

The TR Register celebrates its 50th birthday next year and to commemorate the event each region of the TR Register has been tasked with arranging a suitable celebration. For our East region (TR Lincs, Derby Dales, Leicester and Nene Valley) the event will be held on Saturday 22nd August, 2020 at the aptly named Manifold Inn, Hartington Nr. Buxton. We expect to get around 150 to 200 cars attending with free catering and surprises laid on. Accommodation is available (Hotel, B&B and camping) for those that want to stay over, or you may just wish to attend for the day. Full details will be sent out later but, in the meantime, put this event in your diary to join in the 50th anniversary of our club.

……….. And Finally

There is an increasing number of TR Lincs members who have shown the good sense to acquire a Caravan or Motorhome. It has been suggested that it might be fun to arrange a TR Lincs weekend away in said Caravan or Motorhome somewhere not too far away next year. Obviously as this is just an idea at the moment no thought has been given to when or where yet, but maybe it could be tied into a classic racing event or some other themed event or even just by the sea. Drop me an email on your thoughts.

Best Wishes

As you may be aware a couple of our members have not been too well lately. I’m sure that you will wish, via this note, to send TR Lincs best wishes for speedy recoveries to Cheryl Heath and Andy Kutarski. We hope to see them soon.

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times