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TR Lincs January 2018 Report

TR Lincs January 2018 Report

Well here we are at the start of the 2018 season with all of those much promised winter jobs on our cars nearing completion or put off until next winter!!

For those of you that attended the AGM earlier this month you will be aware that our long standing treasurer Malcolm Brown has decided to stand down after 11 years in the post, in fact he has been treasurer since the creation of the TR Lincolnshire group back in 2007. We thank Malcolm for all his work over those years. Our new Treasurer is Sarah Lambkin-Smith and we welcome her to her new role. The list of officers elected at the AGM is as follows.

Group Leader (re-elected) Adrian Lawton

Group Secretary (re-elected) Allyson Pywell

Treasurer Sarah Lambkin-Smith

Spares Coordinator (re-elected) Bob Smith

Competition Coordinator (re-elected) Dave McDonald

Looking forward to the new season we have already got an exciting schedule of local and national events already on the calendar. You can download the first issue of our event calendar by clicking the following link TRLincs2018_1.pdf. For an always up to date version click on the link on our TR Lincolnshire home web page to make sure you have the most recent version to hand.

A few of the highlights for this year include …….

•A visit to the Search and Rescue base of Bristow Helicopters

•Our two overseas trips to Spain and Belgium

•Our beloved TR Lincs Sunday runs organised by our own members

•The TR International Weekend at Lincoln

plus many more events – remember there is always the opportunity for you to organise a run or suggest an event that we might enjoy attending.

I do hope to see more of you out and about this year at our events. Remember the motto of the TR Register is "For TR Enthusiasts, Past, Present and Future" so it doesn't matter what you drive you will be made very welcome.

Oh and don't forget our next meeting at the Turnor Arms, Wragby on the 19th of February and of course see many of you at our Annual Dinner at Washingborough Hall on the 24th of February.

See you all soon


Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times