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Gangsters & Molls Plan New Year Party Takeover!

Gangsters & Molls Plan New Year Party Takeover!

We enjoyed a fantastic New Year's Party on 12th January at The Millers at Sibson. The theme was Al Capone's Birthday and it was celebrated in true gangster style. Everyone joined in the fun with the men looking shady in their gangster gear – a number of them sporting shifty looking moustaches and packing heat. Not to be outdone, the Gangster molls were resplendent in bejewelled, tassled dresses and the room was awash with feather boas and feathered headgear. One or two of the molls were also packing heat and when Martin opened fire with his water machine gun, Gaylene felt the need to retaliate with her water pistol. Unfortunately size does matter and Gaylene came off second best! Apologies to any members who got caught in the crossfire. A number of other groups were represented including Wharfedale, London, and Derbyshire Dales as well as Gary and Leanne from TRGB.

Amongst all the eating, drinking, talking cars and shooting water pistols, we managed to squeeze in a couple of quizzes with Pretty Boy Floyd's gang winning the movie titles quiz and Bonnie& Clyde's gang winning the celebrity couples quiz. Awards were also handed out on the night with the 'Wheel Spinner' award going to Brian Hardy for regularly stepping up to the mark despite being a relatively new member.

The event was huge fun and the props really set the scene. A big thanks go to Jennie and Irene for doing such a fabulous job of organising it all and thanks to David for providing the music and PA system.

Gangsters raise a glass.

Molls got framed!

Leicestershire Group

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