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​"Hey 3" John Hepworth's TR3A takes to the road after 40 years

​"Hey 3" John Hepworth's TR3A takes to the road after 40 years

"Hey 3" John Hepworth's TR3A takes to the road after 40 years:-

LTRG members plus family and friends gathered at the Shires, Peatling Parva to kick some rubber, enjoy a drink in the sunshine, enjoy a lovely buffet supper and all to celebrate John's TR3A taking to the road after having been laid up in his garage for over 40 years. John is only the second owner of the TR3A and used it for his daily driver before purchasing a TR6 to impress his future wife Heather! It must have worked because they have been happily married for over 40 years!! After retirement John began the painstaking work of putting his TR3A back together. It is now a very nice red TR3A ready to enjoy on the open road. Congratulations John and Heather and thank you very much for inviting us to help you celebrate the occasion.

Leicestershire Group

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