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LVG @ Christmas

LVG @ Christmas

December and the salty roads are not really classic car club friendly, but LVG is as much about being a friendly bunch who come together through our love of TR’s as needing to drive our cars. The Events Team don’t hibernate like lots of cars in December, so the month kicked off with a Trip to the “Adult Panto” in Hitchin. This is not a production for anyone who is easily offended as a clue is in the title. This years panto was a rude take on a classic, aptly called Beauty and the BIG Beast. Over 25 members and guests attended and all came away with large grins on their faces. 22 then went for a post performance meal at a local Italian restaurant.

Cars do normally feature in LVG, but then again, so does eating!!

Our Christmas Club meeting is always an unofficial dinner, as eating is not compulsory. This year 20 people ate and one just wanted a drink at The Cock in Broom.. There would have been more, but that dreaded C word has reared its ugly head in LVG land and 5 people cried off as they had contracted Covid!!

Phil Sanford, GL, won a wonderful prize in the pub raffle and we are expecting to see a new man in 2024. If anyone knows what affect a substantial quantity of “Combat Fuel supplements” does to a man, please let Phil know before he starts using them🤪😉.

A few TR’s made it out in the dry weather, although they are rather lost among the other vehicles in the car park.

And one classic was a different British marque.

It just leaves us to wish all members, friends and their families a Happy Christmas and let’s hope for a prosperous and fun 2024.

LVG committee

Lea Valley Group

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