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LVG reaches 50 year milestone

LVG reaches 50 year milestone

4th January 2023 marked 50 years since Lea Valley Group was formed.
In early 1973 a call went out to the members of what was then called “The Comet Group” (so named as they used to meet at The Comet Hotel near Hatfield, Hertfordshire), to meet at The Station Hotel Knebworth. Amazingly 33 people turned up and LVG was born.

Roll on 50 years and over 50 people attended a birthday celebration at the very same venue, now called The Station Public House and actually included one person who was there at the start. Brian Chidwick has been a part of LVG, on and off for the whole 50 years and to mark the occasion the group presented Brian with an award and an anniversary year book compiled from photos since the group formed.

It was wonderful to see so many people at the meeting and lots were getting reacquainted after a long time. Past group leaders, founding members and friends of LVG all made the day an exceptional event. Roll on the next 50 years!!!

For more photos visit our Gallery link

Lea Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times