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LVG AGM & Kick Off Lunch

LVG AGM & Kick Off Lunch

The first meeting of 2022 for the LVG was the annual meeting, followed by lunch. This year saw some major committee changes, with Pierre Miles stepping down after 6 very successful years as Group Leader and Phil Sanford taking the hot seat. 34 people attended to hear what the group has managed to achieve in the last 12 months and despite the Covid restrictions, it was amazing to hear how much had been possible. No foreign trips were undertaken, unless you include 8 cars doing the Paul Hogan Coast to Coast from Portsmouth to Anglesey (is Wales foreign???). This TRip was extended and together with 5 cars from Camb Followers we spent a few days exploring North Wales on what we called our Welsh Wander..

Although we don’t know what Covid restrictions might be in place during 2022, the LVG Events committee are exploring a number of options to get everyone out and about in their TR’s.

You can see photos of this meeting on our Gallery at the link above.

Lea Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times