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Kennet Valley enjoy their February Club Night and a long lost TR4 is bought!

Kennet Valley enjoy their February Club Night and a long lost TR4 is bought!

Kennet Valley held their February Club Night at the Angel, a great natter nosh & noggin night with 20 plus members attending.

Lindsay Freeman had contacted us, formerly from the USA but now living in the UK, Lindsay told us that when she was 16 (you can drive at that age in the USA) living in San Francisco, she used her Father's conifer green TR4 for several years whilst going to University and working there.

She really enjoyed the car but eventually wasn't using it as much, and her Father gave the TR4 away, she had hankered after that car ever since. Lindsay came along to our meeting to discuss the car with fellow owners of TR4 and get advice as she had finally tracked the car down in Long Beach, California.

Lindsay buying her TR4 back after many years apart on the telephone at the KVG night

After lots of questions, answers and reassurance, Lindsay got on the phone and purchased the car there and then. I have been to many KVG meeting and other Group meetings, but this is a first.

Lindsay's TR4 for Sale in Long Beach, California

Lindsay has promised to join the TR Register and intends to renovate/restore the car herself as her husband has no interest, KVG members of course will be there to help her once the car has sailed its way across the pond in a container and she has got it registered over here.

The KVG news update was presented and the raffle drawn, download the update here: KVG News & Events Update February

Our next meeting is the 2nd March and is our Annual Members Meeting, we look forward to seeing you.

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times