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Goodwood Members Meeting - A Great Day’s Racing - KVG member Mike Thomas reports:

Goodwood Members Meeting - A Great Day’s Racing - KVG member Mike Thomas reports:

KVG member Mike Thomas went along to this years event and writes:

The deferred Goodwood Members Meeting finally took place over the 3 days ending 17th October. Normally held in April the dreaded “Virus” got it, along with many other larger events. The bonus was that it was less chilly in October than April can be!

Sunday is finals day with some pretty competitive racing with both professional and amateur drivers.For your average classic car petrol head, the sight of Ferraris, Maserati's, AC Cobras and TR’s racing full tilt, right on the ragged edge, is pretty intoxicating. Yes, I did say TR’s! And very competitive they were. Sounding beautifully free revving and handling superbly, they ran out of puff a bit on the straights but caught up on the corners. With a 4th place and 2 further well placed TR’s in a middle group, I felt immensely proud.

or those not familiar with the “Goodwood Members Meetings”, I describe them as Revival without the side shows. So if your primary interest is the classic car racing, this may suit you better.

There is a form of membership called “Fellowship” which carries a quite modest annual subscription and entitles you to advance notice of ticket availability. The cost of the day is not insignificant, but to have access to the paddock area and ability to chat with mechanics and drivers right beside their cars is quite intoxicating.

From fire breathing early 1900’s racers through to Cobras and E types, including vintage racing motor cycles, the variety is such that most people will be well entertained. Our day started with an early arrival around 08.00. Partly to avoid queuing for the car park, which is nothing like as bad as Revival. Straight to the main eating barn for an excellent “full English” and we were ready for the day. There are Grandstands at various points around the circuit and most people change location during the day. 

Opposite each of the grandstands are located huge screens, so you can watch the action as the cars continue around the track. It can be a bit nippy but fire pits around the eating areas and blankets for the grandstands are provided. For those of a more modest posterior, the blankets make a welcome layer of cushioning for otherwise rather hard seating, even if not required for keeping warm!

I am a huge fan of these classic car racing meetings but only enthuse as a spectator, having nothing to do with the event.

The “Fellowship” does cover other events at Goodwood during the year, but I have only enjoyed this particular one. We are indeed fortunate that there are still owners who are prepared to risk their often hugely valuable racing cars, at least in part, for our benefit.

A brilliant day of entertainment.

Thanks Mike for the report and photo, certainly one for my diary next year :0)!

If you have been to an event and would write a short report with photo, please get in touch.

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times