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Kennet Valley Group Drive it Day - at last the roar of KVG TR's on the road again!

Kennet Valley Group Drive it Day - at last the roar of KVG TR's on the road again!

Kennet Valley Group finally got out in their TRs & Stags after being locked down for all those months, due to restrictions, the day was organised slightly different. Everyone had the same route and 14 cars set out but to help comply with the rules, 7 cars from each end of the run.

Chieveley starting point

Tothill starting point

Members mustered at Chieveley and Tothill Service areas so there were refreshments and comfort stops easily available at each of the run, each group of cars set out at 11:30 following the excellent Tulip route compiled by John & Jackie Edmonds (BIG THANKS) enjoying exercising the cars and taking in the Berkshire countryside.

The route

The weather was a beautiful sunny day with a slightly chilly wind, but tops were down and there were BIG grins on everyone's faces :0).

At approximately 15 miles in, the two groups of cars past each waving and tooting their horns, a superb site of TR's & Stags going both ways on the same road, it also served to confuse some locals as you could see them thinking "I'm sure I just saw them going the other way!". :0)

A superb day out and as Michael Field said. "Driving the TR again was just like having a new toy again!" which sums up the Drive it Day 2021 completely.

After the run, several members had booked to visit the local National Trust property The Vine for a social distanced picnic to finish the day with a some much needed 'tête-à-tête' with friends! Thanks for organising Linda & Emrhys Barrell.

Here are some more photos & windy videos of the day:

Thanks to Jill Horsley & Emrhys & Linda Barrell for the photos & the wind noisy videos!

Download a copy of the Tulip routes here:



Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times