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Kennet Valley Group - hold their February Club Night & Photo Competition

Kennet Valley Group - hold their February Club Night & Photo Competition
Linda & Michael Field entry 'Triumph in Spring 2021

Kennet Valley Group met virtual of course, for their February Club Night, it was a evening of chit chat, catching up, having a Covid moan and best of all a good laugh.

Members had been set a challenge last meeting, to make a picture of banner up using car parts and tools, there were some super entries and everybody said they were all good but Mike & Linda Fields was complimented by using a spring instead of a word. My picture of my TR250 wasn't accepted I don't know why :0) You can see the entries below.

AS a bit of nostalgia, a film was shown of 'The fi rst 25 Years of the TR Series' which was made in the late 70's early 80's as it mentions the TR7 getting a V8 engine soon. If you weren't at the meeting or want to watch it at leisure, have a watch here:

The latest updates were presented as the meeting drew to a close, please see the presentation here:


Our next meeting is our Annual Members Meeting, further details to follow or see the KVG Website

Here are the other entries, see if you can recognise the parts and tools used:

by Val & Denis Carter

by Sally & Mike Thomas

by Tony Shorey

by Phil Horsley

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times