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Kennet Valley Group - First Club Night 2021

Kennet Valley Group - First Club Night 2021

During January's Kennet Valley Group meeting, we had a short Quiz to get the grey cells moving again after the hectic Christmas & New Year we had :0), who would have thought this time last year that this would sadly be the norm for us meeting up now, however the good thing is that we can do it, imagine just 10 years ago, with the technology then we would have not been so able to have this great form of communication. Yes we had the iPhone 3G, WhatsApp but not heavily used and Facetime was really used by the younger people and many of us didn't have access or dare I say were that savvy?

You will also see in the presentation below, the detail that Kennet Valley Group will host TS2 on the 16th & 17th April, as a Club, we would like to get the maximum use and PR in the area whilst this historic car is with us and we are looking for ideas, if you have any please let me know?

At our February Meeting, we have a challenge for members, looking at the New Year message at the top, can you make up a picture using Car/TR parts and tools to rival it, please send me photos of your creation by 2nd February and we will have a vote during the meeting for the most inventive/best picture and we'll find a small prize for the winner. We look forward to seeing you then.

You can find this is the Club News & Events download below:


Keep Safe and Take Care Everyone!

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times