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Coronavirus and the effect on Kennet Valley TR Group

Coronavirus and the effect on Kennet Valley TR Group

Dear KVG Member & TR Register Member,

In reaction to recent concerning events and yesterday's (16th March) press conference announcement by the Prime Minister, the KVG Committee has taken the difficult but responsible decision to postpone current and planned events and activities where needed. This will include the cancelling of the April & May Club Nights.

For future events and Club Nights (after May), this will be ad hoc reviewing of each event and Club Night as it approaches and taking guidance from organisers and advice from the UK Government and Health Department if to proceed or not.

We will continue to organise future events in anticipation that things will improve and if there is no financial impact on the KVG. You will get the usual email notifications and posts on the KVG Website.

In the press conference, the Prime Minister unveiled a series of new restrictions to slow what he said was the now-rapid spread of coronavirus in the UK, including a 14-day isolation for all households with symptoms, a warning against “non-essential” contact, including trips to pubs and clubs, and an end to all mass gatherings.

With the age demographic in the TR Register being average of 67, and several of us with underlying health conditions, we need to take this guidance very seriously, for myself having diabetes, it appears I will need to isolate for 3 month from the weekend which will be difficult, still looking on the bright side, that’ll give me so time to get those jobs on the TR done?

The immediate effect of this decision is the first KVG Saturday Meeting on the 28th March monthly is postponed now until May 30th, 2020.

It is worth remembering, although we, as individuals, may be prepared to take the risk of meeting up the real risk is spreading the disease to others. As someone said, "behave not as though you're trying to avoid infection but as though you're trying to avoid spreading it!", it makes a difference.

Stay safe and healthy everyone.

TR'aah for Now,

Phil Horsley - Group Leader
07892 715315

Kennet Valley Group

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