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Kennet Valley TR Group get 'skittled' by Glavon TR's

Kennet Valley TR Group get 'skittled' by Glavon TR's

Yes the annual challenge between KVG & Glavon took place at the White Hart, Wroughton skittle alley, Group members mustered at 11:00 and limbered up their skittling arms with a few teas & coffees until the bar opened at 12:00. Then the serious training could start!

Due to the coronavirus, KVG were missing a few 'star' players, nah that's just excuses, the game was a competitive tense affair with Glavon showing their (obviously practised) skittling action.

KVG did the same, lovely action Mike, but I think the trajectory is a bit off, the story of the KVG game play?

The game finished with a 30+ skittle lead and Glavon's GL, Nigel Ind received the coveted cup from KVG GL Phil Horsley.

Of course, there are always those that think skittling is easy, Phil decided he must remind KVG members the objective is not to get the ball through the gaps in the skittles. The lowest score award went to KVG's Ian Howett who score of 9 skittles over 5 games, won a piece of chalk as it is the only way his score might be improved, maybe not?

A good lunch, some lubrication and some great 'tete a tete' was enjoyed by all, so watch out Glavon for the next KVG challenge next year.

Many thanks to Julian Booth - Glavon, for the organisation of the event.

Kennet Valley Group

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