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Kennet Valley TR Group learn about Aluminium Casting at May Club Night

Kennet Valley TR Group learn about Aluminium Casting at May Club Night

At their May Club Night, Kennet Valley TR Group members enjoyed an entertaining presentation by KVG member Graham Robertshaw, this presentation was a follow on from the Brian Terry presentation last month about the Rover V8 Engine.

Graham who works for Arrow Butler Castings Ltd, gave a simple guide to aluminium casting in an informative and well presented presentation, did you know that there is evidence of casting dating back to 5000BC and the method of sand casting is much the same today. See Graham's presentation here: A-Simple-Guide-to-Aluminium-Casting-Graham-Robertshaw.pdfGraham, and his wife Vicki, after the presentation gave a quick quiz of 10 questions (last page of the presentation) for everyone to answer, KVG members did quite well with the majority getting 7 and 8 questions correct, this lead to a tie break amongst the 4 members with 8 correct, which was won by Jill Horsley who won a typical northern bottle of Yorkshire Relish which Phil hasn't heard the last of since, Girl Power huh

Phil Horsley then gave the KVG News & Events presentation with details of what is coming up as the classic season gets well underway, see the presentation here: 05.-Club-night-News-Events-01-05-19.pdf,

Phil then presented John Edmonds with an award for his support and commitment to the KVG over the years having been on the committee for 25 years, John was presented with a Piston & Conrod trophy to add to his collection.

Our next event is Basingstoke Festival of Transport so for those who have booked, see you there!

Kennet Valley Group

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