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Kennet Valley TR Group go to the Holiday Inn, Padworth to sample it as possible new venue?

Kennet Valley TR Group go to the Holiday Inn, Padworth to sample it as possible new venue?

As part of their quest to find a new meeting venue, Kennet Valley TR Group members sampled the services of the Holiday Inn, Padworth, Berkshire, just down the road from their previous venue which closed down at Christmas, they found a very comfortable room with good amenities.

The service had a slight hiccup with the most popular beer running dry and the main restaurant being unexpectedly busy causing a delay in meals being served. However staff at the Holiday Inn have taken this on board and have another chance to impress at the April club night meeting, where a vote will be taken which venue to use regularly going forward.

If any KVG member would like to make any comments, please get in touch with Group Leader - Phil Horsley.

Next meeting, the KVG AGM, will be at Pincents Manor, Calcot, the other prospective venue being tried.

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times