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Glavon Group Christmas Dinner - 9th December 2023

Glavon Group Christmas Dinner - 9th December 2023

The main restaurant at our regular haunt, The Hunters Hall, is full of period charm and it is here that 31 members gathered for our Christmas dinner where there was an option to have either two or three courses. The meal was followed by a quiz devised by Andy West and after much banter, the winners were revealed to be the team comprising Russ and Jo Cooper with Roger and Pauline Anderson. The Raffle followed, after which is was time for the annual awards. The Wally of The Year award went to Dave Crinson, who parked his car touching an electric fence which resulted in Eric who was touching the car, getting a jolt!

The Bright Spark award used to be given for the best article submitted to Glavon News, but with that having ceased production last year it was awarded this year to John and Yvonne Walker, partly for organising their very successful fund raising event at Hartsop Farm, but also for their unwavering support, enthusiasm and attendance at Glavon events, despite the fact that they usually have a long drive just to get to the start of a run!

Last but by no means least was the Group Leader's Award which this year went to Jane Jones for her solo drive to the Le Mans Classic in her TR2 which was one of many drives she has enjoyed over the last couple of years.

All in all, a very jolly evening enjoyed by everyone who attended.

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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