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Glavon Group join Wye Dean Group on their run to Clodock Mill - 14th May 2023

Glavon Group join Wye Dean Group on their run to Clodock Mill - 14th May 2023

It was a cool misty start to the day, but by the time we met up with Wye Dean members for coffee at the Hen & Dot café at Flanesford Priory, north of Monmouth, the sun had broken through and the temperature had risen considerably. 

Alan and Kathy Barker had devised a lovely route through stunning countryside which took us eventually to The Kilpeck Inn, south west of Hereford for an excellent lunch.

From Kilpeck, a shorter run through equally stunning scenery took us to Clodock Mill on the upper reaches of The River Monnow and beneath the impressive Black mountains. The mill has changed very little over the years and the enthusiastic owner who wants to keep it that way, gave us a very interesting talk about its history and operation.

A great day out and many thanks to Wye Dean group for inviting us along and to Alan and Kathy for making it all happen. See the Gallery section for more photos.

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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