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Glavon Group Christmas Dinner at The Royal Oak

Glavon Group Christmas Dinner at The Royal Oak

Glavon returned to The Royal Oak at Wotton-Under-Edge for this year's Christmas dinner. Thirty eight people enjoyed an excellent meal and a lovely festive atmosphere, with some added excitement provided by progress reports on England's football match against France!

After the meal it was time for the quiz, devised and presented by Andy West. Clear winners were the team comprising Chris Bates and Susan Cookson, with Dave and Chris Crinson.

This year's raffle had an unusual twist to it, as a technical hitch meant that the prizes were absent and will have to be collected by the lucky winners at the Glavon Festive Natter & Noggin at Hunters Hall on Thursday 15th December.

It was then time for the annual awards presented by Wales & West Director, Lesley Swain, with Andy West receiving the Group Leader's Award in recognition of his work over a number of years as Editor of Glavon News, a post he stood down from at the recent AGM.

The Bright Spark Award for the best article(s) in Glavon News went to Russ Cooper for his excellent account of Glavon's visit to the Aircraft Disassembly Facility at Kemble, plus an article about his participation in two classic car runs this summer.

The Wally of the Year Award went to Arthur and Margaret Richardson who organised an excellent run to Eastnor Castle, during which their route took the whole 'touring assembly' the wrong way up a one-way street!!

It was a great night enjoyed by all, and many thanks go to Noel and Ange Jones who organised the event. 

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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