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Glavon Group AGM - 18th November 2021

The Berkeley Suite at The Hunters Hall was full to capacity for this year's AGM where Nigel Ind was standing down after two years at the helm and his Wife Jeanna was standing down after many years as Treasurer and Newsletter distribution responsibilities. Between the two of them they have been key members of Glavon's organising committee ever since joining Glavon and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. We hope that they will continue to enjoy active involvement with Glavon TRs between their other commitments. 

When it came to the election of their replacements, you could have heard a pin drop and everyone in the room was struck down with paralysis of their arms. The usual Glavon inertia when faced with the thought of having to help run the group had taken over, but after a long period of everyone making themselves as inconspicuous as possible, Chris Bates was elected as Treasurer with responsibility for Newsletter distribution. Jeff Mason-Wenn then bravely offered his services and was duly elected as Group Leader, so he now has responsibility for two groups!

Jane Jones was elected as New Members Co-ordinator. Andy West remains as Editor of Glavon News, TR Action Correspondent and Web-site Co-ordinator.  Noel Jones was joined by Lesley Swain as joint Events Co-ordinators.

The meeting was chaired by Lesley Swain in her capacity as Wales & West Director.

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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