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Glavon Group Guy Fawkes Evening - 5th November 2021

Glavon Group Guy Fawkes Evening - 5th November 2021

A disappoiningly small number of Glavonites made it to Hilltop Barn for this year's Guy Fawkes get-together. With views over Thornbury and the Severn Vale, fireworks could be seen going off in all directions in addition to our own pyrotechnics. Our hosts, Chris and Jan had prepared some excellent hot food and the Glavon Ladies had brought along a fine selection of desserts. The huge garage which until a few days before had been the home of our hosts (prior to them moving into their now completed, amazing conversion of farm buildings) provided an excellent place to enjoy the great food, a drink and a chat with friends. 

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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