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Glavon Group AGM - 21st November 2019

Glavon Group AGM - 21st November 2019

This year's AGM was chaired by Glavon stalwart and now also Wales and West Area Director, Lesley Swain. The well attended meeting saw Nigel Ind voted in as the new Group Leader whose proven organisational abilities and enthusiasm will undoubtedly be a great asset to the club. Jeanna Ind was re-elected as Treasurer with responsibilities also for newsletter distribution. For the first time we now have two joint Events Co-ordinators, Roger Anderson and Noel Jones who will no doubt ensure that Glavon will have lots of top class events over the next year. The posts of Newsletter Editor, TR Action Correspondent and Website Coordinator will continue in the hands of Andy West, with him being the only person to vote 'against'' on all counts! One significant change voted in, is that for the next year, Glavon News will be produced on a bi-monthly basis which will allow it to be printed in full colour, so those of you who subscribe to Glavon News won't be receiving a December edition, but will receive a full colour bumper edition in January. There will of course be appropriate email updates between issues and posts on this website to keep everyone fully informed.

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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