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Castle Combe Autumn Classic - 5th October 2019

Castle Combe Autumn Classic - 5th October 2019

Glavon mustered 12 TRs, a Spitfire and a Mazda MX5 (AKA TR9!!) for our club stand at Castle Combe this year. The racing was amazing and the number of cars on the numerous club stands seemed far greater than in previous years. Much tea, coffee and other refreshments was dispensed from the Glavon events shelter which for the first time at this event, was not required for protection from rain.Together with the adjacent display of Brunel Group cars, there was certainly a good show of TRs.

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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