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Social Scene 345

Social Scene 345

Social Scene 345

Well what can I say my first Social Scene report as Group Leader of the East Saxons, having taken over from Allan Jezzard our GL for some 15yrs who stood down at our recently held AGM 9th March; I would like to take this opportunity to thank Allan for all he has done over this time and I must say he’s going to be a hard act to follow but I’ll do my best. Alan Short our Events organiser also stood down at the same time following some 7yrs in the position, many thanks to Alan for all his hard work over this time. Gordon Welch has stepped up to take on the position of Events Co-Ordinator and we wish him all the best in his new role.

Around 40 of us visited JD Classics in Chelmsford (formerly of Maldon) early in March with some taking the TR’s out despite the inclement weather. The standard of workmanship on show is some of the best you’ll ever get to see, bodywork with perfect glass like finish, panel gaps we would all die for on a TR and interior trim to match. Draw tickets were purchased during the visit and we had some lucky winners in our group, Keith Lambeth having the winning ticket and a prize of a ride in one of JD’s classic Jaguars, Chris Russell also had a number of winning tickets taking home a very nice bottle of Whisky. Thanks to Allan and Ron for organising an excellent visit.

Pub nights continue to be well supported and, despite it being early in the year, a number of TRs have been seen out and about. We attended the Cricketers on the last Thursday in March with a very good turnout of both old and new members in attendance enjoying a good social evening.

Some of our members have been attending the Little Easton car meeting, this being open to all classics and cars of interest. Alan and Ron have been attending in Allan’s Subaru BRZ as his TR is still being repaired; he tells me the repairers are making good progress and we all look forward to seeing it back on the road this coming summer.

By the time you read this we will have had our first outing of the year “National Drive It Day” 23rd April, again this year we will be driving up to Kersey Mill just into the Suffolk borders, let’s hope for good weather and lots of classics out on the road. For those who have never been its well worth a visit, the mill having been restored over the recent years and is open to take a trip back in time and see the workings of the mill, wooden crown and pinion wheels, wooden shafts etc. all on show. Remember you can keep up to date with all things East Saxons by visiting

East Saxons Group

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