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Social Scene 343

Social Scene 343

Allan Jezzard Writes:-

First off, “Happy New Year” to all Register members, commoners and hierarchy. I’m still without the company of my 32 year companion TR6. Obtaining parts is adding to, but not the only cause for the delay in making DPD straight and shiny again. I hope there is still some bright spring weather to be had when it comes back.
Since the weekend away to Canterbury at the end of September, there has been very little, or do I mean no, TR activity with East Saxons. We did, however, enjoy a very successful Christmas Dinner and Dance on 10 December - held once again at the Bishop’s Stortford Golf Club. About 50 of us were served a super meal with entertainer, Steve Brewer, providing “background music” until later in the evening when his wider repertoire enabled some dancing. This year has already been booked for 2 December so please note your diaries NOW!
However, a few of us have had some very pleasant visits to Little Easton Gardens near Great Dunmow. On selected Sundays they arrange meetings for “classic and interesting” vehicles with free entry and refreshments available. They seem quite happy to accept my Subaru BRZ as an “interesting” not classic vehicle and there are plenty that seem to qualify on that basis. You need luck with the weather but generally these get-togethers are very enjoyable – casual and varied in very pleasant grounds with friendly attendees.
Our regular group meetings are attracting more and more members although there is some uncertainty at the moment surrounding our Colchester meeting on the final Thursday of the month. A management change and consequently changes to facilities are perhaps steering us to a new venue. In the short term, the Cricketers at Eight Ash Green is being tried as a replacement. The second Thursday Farmhouse at Monk Street is still attracting a good turnout.
Until a final decision is taken on the final Thursday meeting place keep up to date at and look at emails/ the Group WhatsApp

Photos from December Club Meetings

East Saxons Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times