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Social Scene 342 - Jan 23

Social Scene 342 - Jan 23

Allan Jezzard Writes:-

Firstly an apology, due to confusion (mine), I failed to submit a report for edition 341 so I’ll try to include any important items you’ve missed.
The hastily arranged International replacement event in August was quite a decent effort considering the time constraints. It was a pity though that it was done at such short notice and that some members who had booked accommodation were unable to obtain their deposits back. Some of us retained our booking and on the Saturday there was a good display of cars at the Great British Car Journey at Ambergate and more importantly, their owners, so a really good opportunity to chat to old friends. The more compact site made it quite easy to find people. Still being without the TR, I had to park remotely from the TRs but still plenty near enough not to be a problem.
The show at Colchester Castle Park is usually a “not to be missed” event, but this year a smaller contingent from East Saxons attended as it clashed with a group week-end away to Canterbury, or more accurately Chartham Hatch. It was a pity we only had 3 TRs, a Stag and one Subaru (my TR replacement) but it still proved to be a convivial weekend. On the Saturday, we all took off in various directions: some to Canterbury and the Cathedral, others to Herne Bay but Veronica & I visited Dover Castle then went on briefly to Broadstairs. On Sunday, the opportunity was taken to visit East Saxons members Tony and Sue Wood who had moved to Whitstable some 3 years ago. They kindly found a very nice lunch establishment at nearby Tankerton but parking was a problem due to road works and a huge motorcycle meeting. At least we could enjoy the spectacle of close on a hundred bikes moving off down the high street, as we enjoyed a bite.
Attendances at our two regular meeting places continue to increase, we had about 22 members at the last Farmhouse meeting and a whopping 33 members at the last Alma ……but very few TRs; only to be expected bearing in mind the weather.
Progress on my bent TR has at last commenced and once the front wing was removed the damage could more easily be assessed. The inner wing looks o.k. but the vertical link (and stub axle) needs replacing. Some metal work has saved the end of the sill and the closing plate. Keep in touch at “”

East Saxons Group

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