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Social Scene 338

Social Scene 338

Allan Jezzard writes:-

Greetings TRers one and all. At last the “season” seems to be getting under way. Drive-it-Day seemed particularly successful this year although from a very parochial point of view. Apart from passing (not overtaking) about a dozen Ferraris in rural Essex en-route to Kersey Mill, not one “classic” was seen until arrival. But our final destination, always a delight to visit, was already brimming with hundreds of shiny and interesting vehicles. If we visit again though, I think we should aim to arrive a little earlier; our journey taking longer than planned due to road closures that despite assurances had not been cleared away. I’m pretty sure that our stand provided the largest display of one make cars at the show and we even had a “guest” ’63 T-Bird. (see photo of East Saxons co-operation “Setting up camp”)

Another show that I think deserves an earlier arrival is the Standon Show on 6 May. Again we had the largest entry but due to lack of space, we had to park ourselves in a block with little wriggle room and nowhere for our gazebo. A nice village show though. Two weeks later and we had to drive through Standon for our next show at Baldock. This was once a market town with a wide area one side of the main street which I think was the sight of the long forgotten markets. This time it was more the organisation rather than our tardy arrival that resulted in our cars being split by “interlopers” but again a good showing and an enjoyable day until the rain brought an earlier than expected finish.

With the temperatures becoming a little less “bracing”, our evening meetings are beginning to become better attended. Don’t forget, now on second Thursday at the Farmhouse, Monk St, Thaxted and last Thursday at the Alma, Copford Green, near Colchester.

In the last report, I touched upon an annoying noise from the off side rear of my 6. After much scrabbling around, (mainly by friend Richard Stone), an area of original weld where the diff bridge meets the chassis was identified as perhaps not as secure as it was 52 years ago. A visit to mechanic Dave Judd and some grinding, welding and undersealing effected a very neat repair.

We are now looking forward to our East Area barbecue on 5 June at Abbott and Stour’s meeting place, the Manger near Bury-St-Edmunds. Then a number of us are driving up to Buxton for the Derby Dales weekend.

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East Saxons Group

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