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Social Scene 334

Social Scene 334

Allan Jezzard Writes:-

I am very sad to open this report with news of the passing of one of our best loved members at the age of 94. William (Bill) Pears bought his TR6 seventeen years ago when he was already 77 years old, swopped it for a Stag in the summer of 2013 and only parted company with it in the last couple of years. I know I speak for the rest of the group in expressing our condolences to his partner Dorothy and Bill’s family.
Unfortunately, there's not much to report on for this issue. However, we did enjoy a very well presented and attended, Sunday lunch at the Farmhouse on 24th October. It provided the excuse to bring out the TR on one last occasion before winter sets in and makes it less appealing. We were lucky with the weather that day and it made for a very pleasant run out to Thaxted. Not everybody stirred their TR into action but it was good to see a few.
Looking still at 2021 the only planned event, apart from regular meetings, is our Christmas Dinner and Dance. We have a good number booked in but it will all have happened by the time this issue hits the coconut. Assuming the next magazine is delivered according to the projected timetable in TRAction 332, I can at least wish you all a very happy Christmas and a hopefully COVID free New Year. Watch on our website and for emails on upcoming events as they are confirmed.

East Saxons Group

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