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Social Scene 327

Social Scene 327

Allan Jezzard writes:-

Here am I on 23rd December, amongst the pre-Christmas paraphernalia; yet-to-be wrapped presents, evil looking uncooked Brussels sprouts, blank Christmas cards for those we have forgotten, a two foot long shopping list still disappointingly with gaps, battery powered decorations already giving up the ghost, but nothing TR related.

I say “nothing TR related” but realistically, the majority of the Christmas cards we’ve received are from TR folk, almost all of whom have wished us a better 2021 than 2020.

Veronica and I will be confined to our own company; our various son, daughters and grand- children isolated in their own grottos rapidly forgetting the odd couple that used to visit with the confection that isn’t available in their home towns – chocolate!

Whilst gathering my thoughts, I idly gaze out of the window. Who’s that bloke in red? It’s either Mr Christmas or the postman. Hearing the letter box rattle I rush downstairs to find TRAction 326 on the mat, great; even better I’ve got an extension till the 4th January. So I’ll stop typing for a while.

I resume on Christmas Eve. What an unreal feeling, no expectation, no anticipation. Actually I DO anticipate -that one day there will be no constraints although I do acknowledge the need for unusual rules. What really annoys me though, are the people who consider the restrictions do not apply to them. They may not like them but I suspect they are partly to blame for us still being subject to them.

Anyway, tomorrow’s another day: Christmas Day. The thing is, will I notice?

Well, that’s that for another year. But I think it’s only right that I should wish you all a very happy New Year and I look forward to meeting loads of you during 2021.


East Saxons Group

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