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Social Scene 322

 Social Scene 322

Allan Jezzard Writes :-

My last Social Report described the onset of the Coronavirus epidemic as a dream. Like everyone else, governments and me included, that was a massive underestimation. It was/is an unmitigated disaster- a nightmare that you can’t escape merely by waking up in the morning, or whenever your nap is over.

I thought if nothing else, it would at least provide me with the opportunity to address some of the outstanding jobs that need doing on the TR. I had re-sprayed the satin black rear panel several years ago, but the passage of time and the tendency to exist in the vacuum that closely follows the rear of the sixes, had caused deterioration of the finish and my heavy handed attempts to keep it clean had begun to wear through the paint. It is possible to mask up the rear of the car without taking off the bumper but I had also acquired via the Classifieds section of the forum, a pair of very nice side blades that needed fitting. Two birds with one spanner!

Just whip off the bumper. Three of the four fixings that secure the three part bumper to the car were removed; the fourth and final was beginning to annoy me. The captive bolt head, was not being kept captive very effectively. It stayed retained in its cage but rotated within it thereby rendering it impossible to undo. A long session with a hacksaw blade held in rags eventually released it. The bolt head should have been square but not this one, it was hexagonal and hence easier to slip within its cage.

As the process continues, I find I need more and more parts that I hadn’t planned for. Most of the preparation is now finished, a small patch of body work still needs a bit of attention but I think I can see the end. But I’m not too sure about Covid.

Chris Russell, our webmaster has been making great progress despite having bits removed and the holes filled in. Not on the TR I hasten to add. Have a look at our website “” it’s changing all the time and well worth a look (and listen).

I must just sympathise with our Treasurer, Denis Parsons. We should have enjoyed a long weekend on the Isle of Wight. But Covid intervened and he is now involved in trying to recover funds that we are due.

Lastly, I am eternally grateful that my household has, touch wood, escaped the attentions of the Chinese import as has our group it seems. But my wish is that the Club in its wider sense stays clear and healthy.

East Saxons Group

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