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EasTRiding Social Scene Report for May 2019

Sunday 12th May was Tim & Debbie Robinson’s May Moors Run. We started much further North than usual. Tim had been looking for somewhere and Jim Howie suggested the Pickering Swimming Pool car park as a location. Tim took us on exciting routes that we hadn’t used on our monthly runs for many years. We went up around the top side of the Moors, visiting Glaisdale, Sandsend and Castleton amongst others. We finished for lunch at White Horse Farm Inn, on the foot of the Rosedale Chimney. We don’t know who Tim had been talking to, or what he’d promised in return, but we managed most of the day in brilliant sunshine. Perhaps that accounts for there being 17 cars (16 TRs and one other). The Thornes have re-imported their TR6 back from the USA, but haven’t managed to get it UK road legal yet. Well done Tim & Debbie, especially on getting the weather back to normal, for the day at least. 23rd to 26th May saw a small invasion of 21 Dutch TRs to our area, so 42 people. This was the Regio Midden-Nederland of TR Club Holland. I’d made some suggestions to their Group Leader for routes over the Moors and the Dales. On arrival they stopped for bacon butties at the Light Dragoon, Etton. They also had their last meal in England, before boarding the ferry home from Hull to Rotterdam, there too. So, our normal monthly meeting venue was over-run with Dutch TRs!! Thankfully, all but one made it back to their return ferry under their own power successfully and everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves on our hills. Their Leader, Jan van Asperen, continued on from the Rotterdam ferry to The Triumph Club de France’s National event. This year that was in St Malo from 29th May to 2nd June. It is always the Ascension Day weekend national holiday. Here we met up again. Three EasTRiding Group cars were in St Malo for a wonderful weekend with the French club. We drove Zeebrugge to St Malo in the day on the way going out, but took a couple of days on the return leg. We met French Canadians in Bayeux, in advance of the 75th D-Day anniversary celebrations. In the Bay of the Somme we took time to view a small French working steam locomotive, with a long train of old carriages, on the railway around the Bay. For anyone that hasn’t heard on Group emails, early in May long-term active member Peta Braddock suffered a stroke. Since then she has managed some small improvements, so Mike is hopeful of fuller recovery to come.

East Riding Group

  • Address/meeting place
    Beverley, East Yorkshire
  • Contact Name
    Rob Leonard
  • Telephone
    07487 618 922
  • Email address

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times