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TR Action 338

TR Action 338

We had a good number of cars meeting up for Drive It Day with members covering over 100 miles around a number of attractions; gathering for coffees and refreshments at the Country Lanes Garden Centre, travelling to Bovey Tracey to visit the House of Marbles - puzzle and game emporium and lunch, then on to The Jolly Rodger Life-size Models where members were fascinated by the 3D models and advertising figures! All nicely topped off at Josie's Ice Cream Parlour and a visit to the Bovey Tracey Heritage Centre – a full day with something for everyone, so many thanks to Paul for organising it all.

Our regular campaigners in the TR Register Sprint and Hill Climb Championship, Chris Smith and Julian Webb (TR3A) have recently been joined by John Blake in his TR4. Devon members have been out in force at Werrington Park (where George was spotted marshalling) and Wiscombe Park Hill Climb circuits - to cheer them on and capture plenty of action photos. We look forward to seeing them again in future events and we’ve added some of the local ones to our calendar on our Devon web pages.

We’ve also just hosted TS2 for its part of the Round Britain Relay. With grateful thanks to members Paul Negus, Pete Lovell, Phil Board, Mark Radford and Pete Stewart, we managed to pass the car from Dorset to Cornwall, host 3 events in Devon, then handing on to Somerset at an Open Day at RevingtonTR. One of these events was to display the car at the Wiscombe Hill Climb, round of the championship. Whilst we weren’t able to have a run at the hill(!) we were able to drive down between runs with the course car – which explains why we have some great photos of TS2 on Wiscombe Hill – going the wrong way! Another of our events had TS2 with other TR’s on display in front of the Mortonhampstead Motor Museum and the Station Building at South Devon Railways - the attached picture shows one of our visitors enjoying sitting in the car (although he said he preferred the red one – mine). We had over 80 TR members, and 25 TRs, joining us over our TS2 travels and it was also great to meet with a number of Devon members, with their cars, who we don’t see regularly but called in to say hello.

This weekend was one of our Sunday lunches, and a great one it was too; driving the lanes of Dartmoor between Castle Drogo to Bridford in the sunshine for an excellent Sunday lunch – many thanks to Peter & Sarah for arranging this one.

We’ve got plenty of events coming up as set out on our calendar and, as the weather gets even better, you should look out for our emails giving details of some local picnics too. We look forward to you joining us.

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times