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TR Action 337

TR Action 337

Well, the last report wasn’t my final one after all. So I thought I’d provide you with a further update of Devon Group activities and our AGM, the minutes of which can be found on the Devon page of our Club website.

We had a good evening at our AGM, with many regular members in attendance and, as our picture shows, hearing some interesting news from me from my management team role. Included in my AGM, I did maintain my ‘Attendance Draw’ and on the pull of a name from the hat; Paul Gibson was the surprised winner! – winning himself a copy of the Haynes Biography book donated by me. I then went on with the presentation of our 2021 Christie Award, which recognises the member who had contributed significantly to the successful running of the club for its members, as voted upon by our members – and the winner was an unsuspecting Paul Gibson! There was one final presentation on the evening which was unexpected and a pleasant surprise: so thank you to you all for the gift voucher and bouquet of flowers for Christine, to mark the end of my GL role.

I’m sorry to say that there hasn’t been any interest in the GL position. Currently, we’re benefitting from a bow wave of activities in place from a few individuals and so, things might appear to be continuing as normal for a while yet, so there is still time for someone to come forward and I will offer all assistance needed for them to keep things running, so please, don’t be shy, call me for a chat.

Our current planned activities for the year can be found on line, again, on the Devon page of our Club website and we will endeavour to send out emails for each event beforehand. You will note that our programme of Sunday lunches does have a number of ‘volunteer required’ notes and that is the case, so again, thank you to those who are already helping but we need more. Please share with Paul or me, a venue that you like, that might be able to host a group lunch and we’ll work with you to sort it out.

Another main event that I’m still working on is the TS2 RBR tour. You will have seen in the magazine and various emails that the TS2 car is touring Britain and it is coming to Devon and is likely to coincide with the publication of this issue or TR Action, so I hope you were able to join us at one or more of our special events.

With best wishes, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times