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TR Action 336

TR Action 336

Following my last report, Christmas festivities continued for some, with a most enjoyable return to Limpley Stoke for a regional get together, organised by Lesley and Jane from Glavon Group. TR members from 11 different groups attended apparently, with a good show from Devon. My picture this time shows a few Devon girls on the dance floor whilst the men propped up the bar apparently.

I’m pleased to say that we’re starting to return to normal service and some of our regular meetings have begun; evenings at the Travellers Rest and our first Sunday lunch too - eating at the Lymington Arms, Chulmleigh kindly arranged by Paul, followed by a visit to the London Inn, Cheriton Bishop, arranged by Roger and Maureen. Hopefully we will have seen some of you there. So you’ll see that we’re getting out and about. More dates can be found on our programme for the year, on line at TR Register, Devon and of course, we continue to look for suggestions and volunteers to help with these events.

As I write this, it is our regular Thursday meeting at the Travellers Rest tomorrow and it’s also our AGM. As well as providing a summary of our Devon Group activities, I shall also be announcing our 2021 winner of our Christie Award. If you weren’t there, you’ll have to wait for the next report to find out our worthy winner. You will have noted that I intend to step down from my Group Leader role at this meeting. So far, no one has volunteered but I’m pleased to let you know that Paul is willing to carry on with his Social Secretary duties with Mark as Treasurer. So we’ll see what happens.. I do however intend to continue to support the work of the club in my regional role and I’ll still be attending Devon events when my calendar allows. As well as our regular meetings, we have a number of shows coming up as well as opportunities to see and drive the TS2 car on its tour around the country. Details for all of these will continue to be sent to you by email, so you won’t miss out.

The latest magazine also highlighted the increasingly popular motorsports activities within the club and you might have noticed that we’ve added such local events to our Devon calendar. John Blake will be campaigning his green TR4 in the RevingtonTR/TR Register Sprint and Hillclimb Championship. We know that it’s a seriously quick car and we hope to follow his progress in the series.

That’s all from me for this report, which may even be my final one! I’d like to say thank you to you all for your support over the years that I’ve been in this role and that I’ll see you at a Devon TR event soon – once I’ve got my car out of hibernation. With best wishes, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times