Click here for details of the BMC Show at the British Motor Museum,Gaydon

TR Action 334

TR Action 334

I was pleased and impressed to see a few of our Devon members and their cars feature in the TR Register’s Rally TR Pyrenees, so well done to you, it looks to have been a fantastic trip! I hope others have been able to enjoy time out during the mild October and maybe even enjoyed a trip to the NEC Classic Car Show in November? Just as things appear to be returning to normal, it’s time for the darker evenings and perhaps time to prepare your TRs for winter hibernation. I am pleased to report that our Thursday night Club Nights at the Travellers Rest successfully moved indoors in October and following a successful programme of summer picnics, we have been able to start our Sunday lunches. With thanks to Roger and Maureen for their suggestions, we had a most successful lunch in October at the Lamb at Longdown. This was preceded with a meet-up at the Bow Garden Centre, where most lunch attendees arrived for coffee and TR chat, where they were joined by another contingent of members who were unable to attend the lunch but decided to make the most of the lovely weather. Together we made an excellent display of TRs in their carpark. It was remarked that a ‘new’ TR6 was present too but I can admit this was mine after many weeks and months of unreliability making a drive quite a novelty. I’m pleased to say that following excellent help and support from fellow Devon friends, I’ve got to the bottom of my woes – just in time for its MOT and a restful winter in my garage, unless the sun shows itself, that is.

By the time you are reading this, we will have held our Christmas lunch at the The Bedford Hotel, another good suggestion from Roger and Maureen, and it will be time for family and friends and maybe a few new parts for your TRs under the tree. We’ll keep you informed over the winter period as we will be holding our Devon Group AGM at the start of our 2022 activities and you will of course, be register your interest in any of the officer positions as well as nominations for our Christie Award, so please look out for those emails.

So, please enjoy your Christmas, I hope Santa brings you something nice and you have a great time with your family and friends. I look forward to seeing you in 2022. Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times