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TR Action 332

TR Action 332

Well, what a weekend that was.. the Triumph & MG weekend at Malvern I mean. An excellent event with a certain buzz, as cars and drivers were able to get out, meet up with friends old and new and enjoy some near normality. Good practice COVID measures were still required but this was certainly helped by plenty of warm sunshine and outside space. The combined efforts of the two Triumph and MG clubs certainly worked well and we might expect to see further joint events in the future. Devon group had a strong presence with many camping and a few day visitors too – totalling some 25 in total. I’m sorry I didn’t get to see all of you who popped in to say hello but I’m sure you were made welcome by the others. The picture this month shows the Devon group in the camping area, assembled for Paul’s Cup Cake Cup challenge. However, as a result of some different interpretations of the rules, it was decided that first place was a 3-way tie. I think the real winners were all of the others having to sample all of the baking to help reach the decision though.

Another of Paul’s picnics proved popular in the month, meeting at Tamar lakes near Bude, where Devon members also met up with a few fellow TR members from Cornwall. It was pleasing that Mark & Jo were able to attend, despite having had a nasty altercation with another car on their journey which has subsequently, seen his car written off! I’m pleased to add that they are both ok and remarkably relaxed about the whole event. I should also add thanks to Peter & Sarah who were travelling with them, who provided support at the time.

Our Thursday meeting at the Travellers Rest saw a few different members come along and we had a lovely sunny evening in the beer garden with plenty of TR chat. We have also held our first, Friday ‘Willand’ meeting in July – but not at our regular Half Way House – but at the Hartnoll Hotel, near Bolham. Paul & Steve had been to check it out beforehand and on the night, we were most welcomed with a large table, set up in their garden with a good turn out and good food. It was nice to see some of our northern members and others of the regular ‘Willand’ crowd there and I’m sure we’ll be doing the same again soon. There wasn’t a Friday meeting in August as it coincided with the start of the Malvern weekend but please look out for the email to confirm our next meetings in September.

The rescheduled Staverton Classic Car Show, arranged by the local Rotary Club of Totnes, is also to go ahead on 19 September and you can register to attend with your car on their website, or via the link included in Paul’s event email of 6 August.

See you soon, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times