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TR Action 331

TR Action 331

Paul’s picnics are continuing to offer a welcome meeting activity. We’ve had a few more now, spread around our region at reservoirs where there’s a bit of open space alongside a lovely, fresh outlook and some facilities. Moving around our region, it’s been nice to see a few more regular faces as well as the chance to welcome a new members to our Group, including at Fernworthy Reservoir, Katrina in her newly purchased TR6; following some sound advice and no doubt encouragement from her father and TR Register stalwart, Derek Hurford. Next we met at Clatworthy Reservoir, encroaching into our Somerset neighbour’s area, where Ben & Vicky from North Devon, joined us in their TR3 whilst Chris & Liz drove up from Cullompton in their newly purchased TR6 - it was nice to meet you all and I hope to see you again soon. Next, we were at Roadford Reservoir, where we didn’t have any new members but we did seem to attract the interest of the local police patrol officer, who drove around the car park twice, as well as a few other visitors who were keen to take a few photos of our ‘lovely’ cars; even the chap in his Bentley seemed impressed. So, hopefully, you’ll see that we’re starting to get out and about in Devon and by meeting outside, we’re feeling comfortable with our limited gatherings, so if you fancy joining us, please look out for the invitation email from Paul and get your picnic and chairs ready and come along, it’ll be nice to see you.

Continuing the meeting theme, I’m pleased to say that we were able to start our ‘first Thursday of the month’ meetings at our regular location, of the Travellers Rest, where they have a lovely beer garden which we are using. Whether you want to eat or not, you can eat outside or separately, inside followed by the chance to chat and swap bits. This time, we were able to welcome new member, Andy, who has recently purchased another TR3A after a long time without one and he’s looking to learn more about his CKD car as well as carry out a few improvements; welcome Andy.

A number of us were registered to show our cars at the Staverton Classic Car Show, arranged by the local Rotary Club of Totnes. This was unfortunately cancelled due to the stormy weather that was expected, and did materialise, so a good call and we look forward to the rescheduled event, likely to be in September.

We’re also about to start up our ‘Willand’ meetings and Paul has found a venue, again with a good outside space, so maybe we’ll see you there. At a national level, all restrictions are expected to be lifted later this month, and one of our first big events will be our Triumph & MG Weekend at Malvern. Ticket sales are going well, so I hope you’ve got yours and I’ll see you there.

See you soon, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times