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TR Action 326

TR Action 326

It’s our Devon Group AGM tomorrow and so I thank you in anticipation to those of you who joined in on zoom, to catch up and say hello to our TR friends, it was good to have you onboard. I fully expect that your current committee with myself as Group Leader, Paul as Social Secretary and Mark as Treasurer, will be returned unopposed; unlike the ongoing disputed American Presidential election! We’re also currently in the midst of our second lockdown period; although we heard a couple of days ago that there is now a potential vaccine for the coronavirus, so let’s keep everything crossed for some normality that might be coming along next year. At least with our age profile, we could get some kind of priority.

It’s also our TR Register AGM on the 22nd of this month. This too was being held via a similar on-line platform. The headline news is that we should have a new Regional Director in place to help bridge the gap between the Group Leaders of the South West and the management team, so watch this space.

Autumn has arrived and with the weather being pleasant but unpredictable, I do see a number of posts, in the wider FaceBook community, about cars being tucked away for the ensuing Winter. My own car is due it’s MOT in a couple of weeks, so isn’t tucked away just yet but it’s difficult to plan anything within the current lockdown. However, I’m sure I’ll get to drive to the MOT garage at some point – and I’ll probably make sure I go the long way around too.

I did actually manage to get to the Castle Combe Autumn Classic Racing Festival on the Sunday in October. It was very wet on the Saturday but the racing went ahead. Sunday was a little brighter and so I travelled full of anticipation, only to hear upon arrival an announcement that the event had just been cancelled due to surface water on the track. Still, I did spend some quality time with my son, who’d travelled from Oxford.

I’ve also been fiddling on my own car, to replace a couple of injector O rings with new Viton ones, as I am getting some visible air bubbles in my clear injector pipes on cylinders 2 & 5. This was following some helpful tutoring from fellow Exmouth resident and Register member Colin, so thanks Colin.

Also, whilst indoors, Paul & I have done a little bit more tidying of our webpages and you’ll see that our Social Scene reports have been brought up to date, with previous TR Action magazine articles, as well as our In the Garage newsletters – with new graphics provided by Paul.

This is our last report prior to Christmas, so I thought I’d share with you my picture of our latest member keen to deliver Christmas trees apparently..

Happy Christmas, Alan

Devon Group

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