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TR Action 325

TR Action 325

Another month and time for another TR Action report. Sadly, things haven’t improved much and we now have increasing restrictions as well as plenty of wet weather to come. So my car’s tucked away in the garage once more, what about yours?

A number of you have kindly joined in with our monthly Zoom meetings. One for your diary will be 12 November, which will be our Devon Group AGM. It won’t take the previous format of a lovely pub meal beforehand and plenty of time to chat but it will be a quick review of the year and a chance to deal with a few formalities but don’t be put off, I’d be very pleased if you could join us. I’ve mentioned before but if you want to talk to me about how this Zoom technology works, then please do give me a call.

In other news, I’ve decided to cancel our provisionally booked Christmas lunch in December. The venue had already advised me of the likely restriction on numbers and seating, then with the current Government restrictions in place, the hotel have advised that they are unable to host such events either – so, one for next year instead then. I can also advise that the Limpley Stoke weekend, to be held in January 2021 has also been cancelled for similar reasons.

On a slightly more positive note, I mentioned last time of a few events that were still going ahead. These included the local Re:Fuel gatherings at Dunkeswell, with the event in September including a Revival theme for cars up to 1970. I know a number of Devon TR members attended. I was going but couldn’t in the end as we were away. The Castle Combe Autumn Classic Racing Festival is still going ahead this weekend with limited ticket availability. The weather looks like it might be a bit challenging but I do hope to get to this one.

I promised an update on our new Devon logo and the sharp eyed amongst you might have already seen it alongside this report in the previous TR Action and it now also appears on our Devon page of the TR Register. After some helpful liaison between Mark and Jo in the Office, I now have in my possession a pile of windscreen stickers for every Devon member, when I see you and I will probably offer a SAE option. I also mentioned that we’ve done some investigation into clothing items, which can be branded with our new logo. There is a local outlet close to me and I will share more information at our AGM.

I’ve also spent a little time to tidy up some email contact details for some existing Devon members. I’m pleased to say that I’ve been able to add a number of you to our emailing system and you will be hearing a little more from me through that medium, so welcome aboard. As always, if you’re not getting emails from me, or TRR Devon, then please do let me know so that I can correct that situation.

On a final positive note, you might have spotted that it is Martin’s car in the picture being used for the TR Register COVID updates, the one with the dark angry sky.. well, you’ll be pleased to see that Martin’s care does enjoy the sunshine too and so he’s kindly provided me with our photo for this issue to remind us of the better times ahead.

See you at our AGM, until then, look after yourselves, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times