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TR Action 318

TR Action 318

TRA318 – Devon Group

It’s still October (as I write this) yet Christmas (and a General Election) are just around the corner. The weather has certainly turned wet and cold and my TR is tucked in the garage - apart from when it goes for its MOT next month. It’s a 1970 car but I still like the idea of someone else having a look over it. Earlier this month it was our last Thursday and Friday evening meetings for this year so to all those who have made the effort to attend these meetings, a big thank you from me. These meetings will start again in February 2020 with the Thursday meeting possibly moving back to the Traveller’s Rest at Whitestone, which has now re-opened – subject to approval at our AGM of course.

On October 20th we also held our last Sunday lunch meeting of the year, kindly arranged by Paul Gibson, and we had a bumper turn-out of 34 members mostly in our TRs too. So thank you for coming to this too.

A number of Devon Group attended the Castle Combe Classic on 5th October, it was a most enjoyable race meeting, right on our doorstep, and so we’re very likely to add this our calendar for next year along with some other motorsport focussed events. This will be also discussed at our upcoming AGM being held on 7 November at the Ley Arms, Kenn where members will have heard about our plans for next year along with who will be representing your interests in the Devon Group next year.It’s likely that your Group Leader will be me once more but we’ll have a new Treasurer, as Kevin has decided to step down after 9 years, and we will have a newly appointed Social Secretary, who will be helping me with the activities and advertising of our events in the year ahead. However, if you weren’t able to attend, you’ll have to wait until my next report to find out who your wonderful volunteers are.

Our AGM will also include the award of our member’s Christie Trophy. In its third year and again we have another worthy winner who supports the group regularly in many ways but again, you’ll have to await my next report to find out who that was too.

We still have our fully subscribed Christmas Lunch on 8 December to look forward to and this report is the last chance for me to mention the regional Christmas Party at Limpley Stoke. Some of our Devon members have attended every single one of these and it’s a most enjoyable weekend in January. The invitation and booking form is on our Devon TR Register web page. If there’s something Devon Group TR related that you wish to find out about, please do get in touch, my contact details are in the magazine. Thanks, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times