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TR Action 314

TR Action 314

TRA 314 – Devon Group

Hi everyone, a quick update on our evening meeting venues: (i) The Kings Arms at Tedburn St Mary continues to be popular, with growing numbers of attendees so far this year - which is really great, thanks – so this venue has been ‘booked’ as our ‘first Thursday of the month’ venue for the remainder of this year. The room provided and the food is good but there are concerns over the adequacy of the carpark but we’ll have to wait and see. (ii) Our ‘second Friday of the month’ meeting in May will have been held at The Globe Inn at Sampford Peverell - on a trial basis. Please look out for my updates for both of these meetings and our Devon Events to check for details or if it’s easier, please do give me a call.

Drive it Day was on 28 April and we had a major excursion into Cornwall with a most enjoyable visit to the Cornwall Aviation Heritage Centre (CAHC). We met up earlier with members of the Cornwall Group too and in all, we had 19 TRs on the trip. I certainly enjoyed the chance to sit in the cockpits of some of their aircraft, including a Sea Hawk, a Harrier and their DC10, and I know others did too. Some of us continued our journey up the Atlantic Highway to Bude for some tea and cake before setting off home. The weather wasn’t as good as we hoped but roofs were down for some of the day and whilst we were at the CAHC we were successfully ‘taken under the wing’ of their DC10, as shown in Martin’s excellent photo. I’d like to really thank those who did attend and make it such a successful day, I travelled over 260 miles myself and I know others did similar and maybe even longer journeys too – so thank you all for coming along.

I have recently sent out details of our special double event arranged for Father’s Day in June, our Sunday lunch in July as well as details for our Christmas lunch. If you’d like to come along to these or any other of our meetings, please do check out our schedule and if you’ve not seen the specific emails from me, please do get in touch, so I can put this right. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Regards, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times