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Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 351

Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 351

TR Action 351

Chris Thirtle writes: You know the TRing season is nearly upon us when the Annual Group Members Meeting comes around. Thanks to Lee Clark for stepping up to take on managing the Group’s website pages and for Sarah Southwell for picking up the role of Scribe from May, enabling me to focus on being Treasurer for the Group and taking over as Finance Director for the Club. Dave Burgess remains at the helm to keep us in check. The meeting was very well attended, but we still need more members to step forward to get involved, organise Group runs and events, and to spread the load. Organising a run is an enjoyable way to get to know other members if you’ve only recently joined us; and there’s plenty of experience to lean on if you need help. Go on, give it a go.

The Group night at the Crispin followed 2 weeks later and saw another big turnout. This is now a permanent addition to our social calendar and will run on the fourth Tuesday of the month throughout the year here on.

Of course, what most of us were really waiting for was the rain to stop and the sun to shine. I say ‘most’ because Dave B and Sarah S took matters into their own hands and drove their TR6 to the sunshine in Greece where, over the next 3 weeks, they participated in the Mycenaean Rally. As I write they’re on the drive home, ending an epic adventure lasting 5 weeks, covering around 6000 miles, and achieving a Class Win 6 Cylinder and 4th overall. In a word, inspirational – and there I was worrying about a 100 miles on Drive It Day.

Speaking of which, thanks go to Ian and Ryan Walker for organising our first Group outing of the season. The plan was to meet up at South Wingfield, then head east across the M1 to the Griffin’s Head at Papplewick to join their weekly Sunday Morning Car Meet, before heading a little further up the road to the Papplewick Pumping Station for lunch and a tour. Maybe not quite the turnout of TR’s we normally get, but I think the prolonged wet weather has caused a severe outbreak of ‘Karmann-Abscentius’ to which of course Michelottis are naturally immune. In attempting to avert ‘KA’ affecting their TR6, Ryan W suffered an extreme case of ‘patella dislocatus’ but was, thankfully, still able to join us on the day. We wish you a speedy recovery Ryan. It was a really enjoyable day. The sun shone and we got to spend a couple of hours getting up close and personal with 240 Watts (horsepower) of steam driven Beam Engines. Just incredible feats of Victorian Engineering and well worth a visit if you’re in the area.

Following on from last month’s ‘TR backstory’ provided by Mike Levers, I can now share Ian Littlewood’s. Ian was around 12 years old when he spotted a brown TR7 FHC outside his house. This turned out to be the local GPs car. Having stood and stared at it for quite a while, he decided that one day he’d want to own one. His first car, however, was a Mini in which he took his driving test. That was soon replaced by a yellow Ford Cortina Mk2. Then, in 1985, Ian decided the time was financially right to get his first TR7 and tracked down a FHC in orange (pictured). Ian drove this for about 2 years but then spotted a black FHC with the gold livery and tan interior (picture of reg LAK 448W). A deal was quickly done and he enjoyed driving this car for about 3 years until 1990 when he decided he wanted a convertible. The local classified ads couldn’t provide anything suitable so Ian, and a good friend Richard, set off from Sheffield for a road trip to ‘the big smoke’ to look at a white DHC. Both agreed it was a good ‘un, so money was exchanged and they set off home with their ‘new wheels’. They got as far as the other side of the Dartford tunnel when ‘she’ broke down. After a long night spent in the company of the ‘AA’ the car eventually got them home (car pictured with Ian’s wife, Nikki). A few repairs were undertaken initially, but the result was a really solid and rust-free example. Ian kept this car for a few years until, in 1992 and with much reluctance, he had to sell ‘her’ to buy a new boiler!

Forward wind to 2023 and having successfully raised two sons, Ian decided it was time to get another TR7. Spotting a car for sale in Cornwall which could meet their needs, Ian and Nikki drove down, stopped overnight, and fell in love….. with a Java Green FHC in good condition that had been restored by Mike Burgess in 2006. The car was duly purchased. It came with a detailed history file and Ian remains in contact with Mike to this day. Once the car was home Ian spent some time cleaning and improving it. His efforts paid off and they have already done a long road trip from Chesterfield to Selsey (image taken in Selsey) before going on to Portsmouth with no issues at all. Clearly a dedicated ‘wedge head’, in September 2023 Ian saw a TR8 with fuel injection, but requiring restoration, was being offered for sale in California. Unable to resist, the car is now in Ian’s possession, was shipped over in January, and work on the restoration has started. Ian hopes to have it finished by mid-summer, and we’re hoping to see it when it’s ready Ian. Ian confesses that he’s happiest tinkering with and restoring cars and as such I have no doubt he’ll fit in well with the Group as more wedges join our ranks. Ian believes that once bitten by the TR7/8 bug it never leaves you. He’s not complaining though and feels lucky to have ‘these 2 beauties in his life’ - adding ‘I’d better say 3 and include the wife!’ Well recovered Ian and, once again, welcome to the Group.

So this is me, signing off for the last time. Thank you to those who have provided me words and pictures in the past, and I know you’ll give Sarah the same support.

Diary dates:-

Club nights: 2nd Wednesday of the month, South Wingfield SC, DE55 7LX

4th Tuesday of the month, The Crispin; DE45 1TZ

21-23 June 24 – Derbyshire Dales Peaks Weekend. See advertisement and website for details

14 -15 July 24 - Overnight Club Run to Lincolnshire. Email Chris Thirtle at:

1 September 24 – Club Run – details TBC

Photograph Captions:

Drive It Day – Papplewick

Ian’s TR7 journey– orange FHC, black FHC, white DHC, Java Green FHC, TR8

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times