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Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 345

Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 345

Chris Thirtle writes:

After a cold, dry February, March literally stormed in. Rain, snow, floods, not to mention a tornado confirmed as touching down between Great Hucklow and Millers Dale. Not ideal TRing weather and April, bar 3 sunny days over Easter, has yet to impress quite frankly.

Still, driving is only one part of being a member of the Derbyshire Dales TR Group. Some took the opportunity to make just one more upgrade to their cars, with Darren S having a ‘light bulb moment’ and opting for a LED headlight upgrade for his ’6’. The ‘social scene’ also continued apace. The highlight should have been the Group pre-season lunch held on 2 April at The Black Swan, Ashover. Miraculously, it was also one of the very few sunny, dry days and, despite the cold, Alan and Liz F impressed everyone by getting their ‘big coats’ on and the TR out; an outstanding effort. The lunch was well attended by over 30 Members but, regrettably, the venue failed to impress on the day despite 2 successful visits beforehand. As always though, the company could not have been better, and time spent amongst friends is never time wasted.

The Great British Car Journey held a chilli, curry and quiz night on the 1st March and ‘Team TR’, consisting of Barry and Hazel C, and Chris and Jim T, clinched a nail biting tie breaker to win the night's prize. The tie break question was Triumph related so the pressure was really on but, honour was upheld, red faces avoided and Team TR proved victorious.

The Group AGM was held on the 13 April at the South Wingfield Social Club and, hot off the press, I can say this is now the Derbyshire Dales Group new permanent venue for our monthly Wednesday meetings. The Group also agreed to trial a Tuesday monthly meeting (4th Tuesday of the month) during the ‘driving season’ to help Group members who cannot make a Wednesday meeting be more active in the Group. There was a good turnout for the AGM and Alan J was, after continuing in a caretaker role for a year, finally able to step down as Webmaster and will hand over to Sarah S. Alan, we really appreciate all you have done for the Group both as part of the Steering Group and in your role as Webmaster. You leave big shoes to fill. Good luck Sarah and thank you for volunteering. As mentioned in previous articles, the Group really needs more people to step forward and take some of the load in keeping the Group both functioning and active. Many hands make light work, so please, do ‘your bit’. Finally, in closing the meeting, Dave B took the opportunity to present Barry C with his Gold Award for organising the previous year’s ‘Best Run Of The Season’.

Diary dates:-

23 May 23 – Tuesday Group Meeting – venue TBC

14 June 23 – Wednesday Group Meeting – SWSC, DE55 7LX

16-18 June 2023 - Derbyshire Dales Peak’s Weekend: details on the Derbyshire Dales pages, TR Register Website.

27 June 23 - Tuesday Group Meeting – venue TBC

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times