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Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 335

Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 335

TR Action 335

Publication Date: W/C 7th February 2022

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

It is with a sad and very heavy heart that I have to report the passing of Dave Burgess’ wife, Diana. She was well known throughout the TR Register and will be sadly missed, especially by those in the Derbyshire Dales Group.

This was written in early January, so please allow the Derbyshire Dales Group this opportunity to wish all and sundry a happy and safe New Year, even though you will be reading this in early February with a feeling that you ready for Spring and runs in the Spring sunshine.

With regard to Derbyshire Dales Group activities, just after we had settled down after DaveB’s and WayneS’s exploits on the Triumph rally through France and Spain, the father-and-son team of Lee and Max Clarke announced their participation in the HERO-ERA LeJog reliability run from Land’s End to John O’Groats – a distance of some 1300 to 1500 miles in 75 hours, which was to take place in early December. This has been described as the hardest endurance rally in Europe and entails driving day and night through rain, snow and ice to the limits of endurance of the driver, navigator and car. Unfortunately it was reliability wot got ‘em, the worst being when their alternator failed north of Newcastle. This inevitably necessitated their dropping out while they sourced a replacement unit. Once fitted they re-joined the rally and the competition, although by then they were too far back to gain any silver. They were, however, able to proudly claim to have topped-out of an especially steep hill on the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ regularity stage which was so packed with ice and frozen snow that too few cars were able to negotiate it and hence this section was eventually deleted from the route. They deserve the accolade of being able to complete the rally whilst still, remarkably, smiling and with only a few dents to the car’s bodywork - but immense pride in their achievement.

Their full account appears in this magazine, but further accounts of the rally can be read on HERO’s webpages (ttps:// and Lee’s own account of the preparation of the car and of the actual event via ( and ( Our photo this month shows a their TR4 and a number of other competitors’ cars at the nightime stop-over in Newcastle.

Meanwhile, in the sane world of people-who-go-to-bed-at-night, we had snow on Christmas Day followed by sunshine on New Year’s Day, so several of our members had their cars out and about while the opportunity presented.

The calling notice for our AGM will have been posted by the time that you read this. At the time of writing the venue has still to be fixed, but amongst other items on the agenda is the appointment of members of the Steering Group. If anyone out there fancies taking on any of the roles in the Steering Group, please come forward; for sure, I will be standing down from the position of scribe, so if you feel that you are sufficiently debonair, handsome, witty, with excellent repartee and imaginative writing skills, (or otherwise), the position is yours for the asking.

2022 Events:

With Covid Omicron still at large, we are trying to make our arrangements as flexible as possible. For all events, please continue to consult the notices and diary on our Webpages.

February - Derbyshire Dales Post-Christmas Dinner. At the time of writing, the date & venue have yet to be arranged, so keep your glad rags ready to go, and keep your eyes on our webpages.

Wed 9th March - AGM. 7:30 pm start. Venue t.b.a. Details via our Webpages.

Wed 13th April - Club Night. 7:30pm start. For venue, consult webpages.

Sun 24th April - Drive-It-Day. Details – yes, you’ve guessed it – via our Webpages.

10th - 12th June - TRs at the Palace. Derbyshire Dales Weekend based at the Palace Hotel, Buxton. A few places are still available – contact Dave Worne; 01246 473979/07970 754030, email;

6th August - TR Register 50th Anniversary Celebration at the Manifold Inn, Hulme

End, nr Buxton. Two-pig roast. Accommodation available in the inn, on

the campsite and at nearby B&Bs – please book accommodation

directly with the proprietors.

Please note that the Derbyshire Dales Group 30th Anniversary

Celebration will also take place at this event.

Contact: Andy Holyoak email:

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times