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Social Scene Report - TR action Issue 334

Social Scene Report - TR action Issue 334

TR Action 334
Publication Date: W/C 20th December 2021

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

If all runs to schedule, this missive should arrive just before Christmas. Thus this, the latest edition of TR Action, is just what Santa might have ordered.

Meanwhile, despite a phenomenally mild October, early November saw the first salt gritters out and about in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, hence marking the close of the TR season for some of us. We shouldn’t be too greedy, though – October seems to have been well-packed out with runs and events – no doubt much of it having been held over from 2020. The DD Group had their Last Run of the Season in October, organised by DaveW and GwenW. This took place a little too early to catch the glorious hues of Autumn but instead caught one of the last weekends of an Indian Summer; we had good run through Derbyshire finishing at the Oakhill Hotel. The route was lucky in that it managed to take in a long hill which had just been re-opened after having been closed for several months due to a landslip, and had only recently re-opened; however, we expressed a different form of luck when we found that the nearby village of Eyam had organised a mini-marathon whereby in excess of 500 runners came down the hill as we were going up! Our uphill progress, inevitably, was slow! Our Club Nights are going from strength to strength, with over 40 attendees at our Pie & Pea Supper at The Crispin, Ashover – yet another Club Night with 40+ attendees. It would seem that our scheme of visiting a new venue each month may have some attraction. To add to this, we managed to pull in a few new recruits to the Derbyshire Dales Group at the NEC show.

Meanwhile, my home village of Bamford could be heading for the claim of having the steepest road in Britain, if not the world! The recently repaired and tarmacked Bamford Clough (pronounced ‘cluff’, not ‘clow’ as one grockle was heard to miss-pronounce on video) is not yet open – at the time of writing – but is already the target of world-class cyclists showing their uphill feats on video. How long, then, before someone has a go in a TR?

Meanwhile, our Group Leader DaveB has recently returned from his sally to the Rally TR Pyrenees with Wayne Scott as navigator, driving to Toulouse, through the French and Spanish Pyrenees, through Spain then back to France and Carcassone. Including driving out and back home, they had some 4000 miles under their tyres, and carried home the Prizes for the Spirit Class for TRs 4,5,6,7, & 8, the Best Driver, Best Team and the overall event cup. I hope someone else brought their silver home for them – I can’t imagine a TR6 boot coping with that lot!

By the time that you read this we will have had another Club Night and our Pre-Christmas Lunch. For next year’s events, see our calendar on-line via our webpages. I’ve listed below our ‘Headline’ events for next year, but please remember that there is always the opportunity to organise a Sunday or mid-week run if you feel that you would like to make a contribution to your club. For contact details, see our webpages.

All that remains is therefore for all at the Derbyshire Dales Group to wish all our friends, admirers (?), acquaintances, all others in the TR Register and classic car movement, (phew!) a very happy Christmas, and a very safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. Without doubt Covid will still be with us, but stuff the ‘C-19’ word and don’t let it hinder our plans and opportunities to spend time with our families and friends, and in between, time to play with our cars!

2022 Events:

February, Date & venue to be arranged – Derbyshire Dales Post-Christmas Dinner

10th to 12th June – TRs at the Palace. Derbyshire Dales Weekend based at the Palace Hotel, Buxton. A few places are still available – contact Dave Worne; 01246 473979/07970 754030, email;

6th August - TR Register 50th Anniversary Celebration at the Manifold Inn, Hulme

End, nr Buxton. Two pig roast. Accommodation available in the inn, on

the campsite and at nearby in B&Bs – please book accommodation

directly with the proprietors.

Please note that the Derbyshire Dales Group 30th Anniversary

Celebration will also take place at this event.

Contact: Andy Holyoak email:

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times